DER NEUSITZER WEG Minimise to the MAXIMUM THE REFORMATION OF SITTING #TheNeusitzer-Way is the development of dynamic seating furniture according to the principle „Less is More“ Many people say that „sailing is not an exercise sport“. But what happens when you sit in the boat? You equalise...
10 Fragen ans das Food-Lab … Wie nennt Ihr Eure Creationen? Warum vegane Salsa ? Die Fleisch- und fischlastige Ernährungsform führt nicht nur zu gesundheitlichen Problemen beim Menschen sondern ist auch in der Produktion dieser Nahrungsmittel – der Massentierhaltung der eigentliche Frevel der...
The production of rotor blades is more or less an analogy to all the shipyards productions of yachting hulls.
As it is fixed to its production space we have the complexity of transportation and cases of logistics to set these blades to its final destination -
Our new project deals with 3D-printed structures and...